Through the Practice Unite app, a preferred method of communication for PHO members, PHO physicians can quickly and easily link their patients to population health programs available at CentraState’s Star and Barry Tobias Health Awareness Center. These evidence-based programs feature registered nurse health coaches who serve as a virtual arm of the physician practice to help patients manage diabetes, congestive heart failure, hypertension, and other issues that can be difficult to fully cover in a physician office visit. Health coaching has been shown to improve health outcomes, reduce readmission rates, and save costs.

A recent pilot study* of CentraState’s Managing Hypertension program has shown the benefits of health coaching. In this six-week program, health coaches consult with patients on topics including hypertension education, medication adherence, communication with primary care physicians, and the importance of home blood pressure monitoring. Study results found that 70 percent of program participants achieved lower blood pressure, 80 percent remained engaged for the duration of the program, and 100 percent of these patients self-monitored their blood pressure at home—which is not becoming a standard of care for hypertension management.

To learn more about linking your patients to population health programs at the Health Awareness Center, call 732.308.0570.

*James J. Matera, DO, internal medicine physician and medical director of population health, Kimberly Simers, MHA, assistant vice president of integrative health, and Alison Cleary, MSN, manager of population health. The Effect of Health Coaching and Population Health on Hypertension.